My third adventure: Last day / It's over ...                                               click to enlarge 

Last day / It's over ...

Saturday, 3rd August 2013, Büsum

My Dad is at Föhr with his boat. He would love to guide me when I arrive at the Eider-barrier and Tönning, but nature plays against him. At 3 a.m. in the night before, he is sitting on the boat, starring at the sky.
Just 25 sea miles are between us. We could meet somewhere near St. Peter-Ording, he appearing from north, me appearing from south. THIS would be a magical moment. But he decides against the trip and makes the only sensible decision. 5-6 Beaufort in the Heverström can be dangerous, as well as in front of St. Peter-Ording. We both know that… it's better this way.
For me, there's no decision to make. I leave Büsum short after 5 a.m. with the first daylight. I plan to arrive at Eider-barrier at 10:30 a.m. .Coming from south-southwest, the wind fills my sail and I quickly head towards west. I have to sail towards west for

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I did it!"